Cosimplicial monoids and deformation theory of tensor categories

  • Michael Batanin

    Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechia
  • Alexei Davydov

    Ohio University, Athens, USA
Cosimplicial monoids and deformation theory of tensor categories cover
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We introduce the notion of -commutativity () for cosimplicial monoids in a symmetric monoidal category , where corresponds to just cosimplicial monoids in , while corresponds to commutative cosimplicial monoids. When has a monoidal model structure, we endow (under some mild technical conditions) the total object of an -cosimplicial monoid with a natural and very explicit -algebra structure.

Our main applications are to the deformation theory of tensor categories and tensor functors. We show that the deformation complex of a tensor functor is a total complex of a -commutative cosimplicial monoid and, hence, has an -algebra structure similar to the -structure on Hochschild complex of an associative algebra provided by Deligne's conjecture. We further demonstrate that the deformation complex of a tensor category is the total complex of a -commutative cosimplicial monoid and, therefore, is naturally an -algebra. We make these structures very explicit through a language of Delannoy paths and their noncommutative liftings. We investigate how these structures manifest themselves in concrete examples.

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Michael Batanin, Alexei Davydov, Cosimplicial monoids and deformation theory of tensor categories. J. Noncommut. Geom. 17 (2023), no. 4, pp. 1167–1229

DOI 10.4171/JNCG/512