Issue 24, 2020

Photonic crystal cavity-enhanced emission from silicon vacancy centers in polycrystalline diamond achieved without postfabrication fine-tuning


Diamond optical centers have recently emerged as promising single-photon sources for quantum photonics. Particularly, negatively charged silicon vacancy (SiV) centers show great promise due to their narrow zero-phonon emission line present also at room temperature. However, due to fabrication tolerances it is challenging to prepare directly photonic structures with optical modes spectrally matching the emission of SiV centers. To reach the spectral overlap, photonic structures must typically undergo complicated post-processing treatment. In this work, suspended photonic crystal cavities made of polycrystalline diamond are engineered and more than 2.5-fold enhancement of the SiV center zero-phonon line intensity via coupling to the cavity photonic mode is demonstrated. The intrinsic non-homogeneous thickness of the diamond thin layer within the sample is taken as an advantage that enables reaching the spectral overlap between the emission from SiV centers and the cavity modes without any post-processing. Even with lower optical quality compared to monocrystalline diamond, the fabricated photonic structures show comparable efficiency for intensity enhancement. Therefore, the results of this work may open up a promising route for the application of polycrystalline diamond in photonics.

Graphical abstract: Photonic crystal cavity-enhanced emission from silicon vacancy centers in polycrystalline diamond achieved without postfabrication fine-tuning

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Article information

Article type
14 Dec 2019
21 May 2020
First published
21 May 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 13055-13063

Photonic crystal cavity-enhanced emission from silicon vacancy centers in polycrystalline diamond achieved without postfabrication fine-tuning

L. Ondič, M. Varga, J. Fait, K. Hruška, V. Jurka, A. Kromka, J. Maňák, P. Kapusta and J. Nováková, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 13055 DOI: 10.1039/C9NR10580H

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