Opera Historica, 2020 (vol. 21), issue 2



Úvodem: Epidemie v dědičných zemích raného novověku


Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):151-152164  


Morové epidemie v českých raně novověkých městech optikou narativních pramenů

Plague epidemics in Czech early modern towns as seen through the lens of narrative sources

Miroslava Květová, Marie Tošnerová

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):153-169 | DOI: 10.32725/oph.2020.021938  

The study follows the reflection of plague epidemics in Czech narrative sources of urban provenance from the early modern period. It is based on chroniclers' reports, in which it is possible to discover the views of contemporary inhabitants of the cities on the tense moments in their lives represented by plague epidemics. It deals mainly with the question of how the plague was perceived in urban society and the degree of detail with which the atmosphere of the period is captured in the sources. Attention is also devoted to mentions of measures against the spread of the disease, care for the infected, the ways by which the plague was introduced into...

Göttlicher Zorn, Pestlazarette und Donauinseln. Die Wiener Pest von 1713 und die Obrigkeit

The Anger of God, Plague Lazarettes and Danube Islands. The Vienna plague of 1713 and the authorities

Martin Scheutz

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):170-188 | DOI: 10.32725/oph.2020.022543  

The plague of 1713, which was introduced to Central Europe via Transylvania and Hungary, was probably the result of the last great wave of plague in Europe (1701-1713), which reached as far as southern Germany. This plague epidemic illustrates that the central European cities, in association with the early modern state, probably protected themselves better than during the previous plague waves by improved quarantine management, a rigid plague regime (e.g. isolation from vagrant poverty) and improved "domestication" of hospital services. The plague of 1713 clearly shows that the early modern state now played an increasingly important role in fighting...

Počátky variolace proti neštovicím v Evropě (1713-1721)

The beginnings of variolation against smallpox in Europe (1713-1721)

Karel Černý

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):189-203 | DOI: 10.32725/oph.2020.023682  

Smallpox epidemics ravaged the European population during the early modern period, with the number of victims being estimated in hundreds of thousands per year. This trend started to change at the beginning of the 18th century, when the earliest protective treatment (variolation) was introduced to Europe from the East. In the first part of my paper, I sum up major topics from the current historiography of variolation (e.g. relation to gender or politics), which until now have not been available to a Czech readership.After that I focus on the propagation of knowledge about variolation. For this purpose, I present a collection of lesser-known sources...

Choleraepidemien in den Städten der österreichischen Alpenländer in den 1830er Jahren

Cholera epidemics in Austrian cities in the 1830s

Andreas Weigl

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):204-223 | DOI: 10.32725/oph.2020.024968  

In 1831 the first European cholera epidemic hit most parts of Lower Austria hard. The traditional system of fighting plague epidemics based on advance warning, cordons sanitaire and quarantine proved to be ineffective in the case of cholera. Shocked by the sudden death of many cholera victims the imperial government tried to push forward investments in sewers and the water supply at least in the capital Vienna. Unfortunately these investments showed no improving effect on cholera morbidity and mortality in the 1830s, because the quality of filtered water from the river Danube that supplied the "Kaiser-Ferdinand-Wasserleitung" build in 1836-1843 was...

Cholera a barokní zázraky. Epidemie roku 1832 a poutní místo Křemešník

Cholera and baroque miracles: the epidemic of 1832 and the pilgrimage site of Křemešník

Markéta Skořepová

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):224-246 | DOI: 10.32725/oph.2020.025446  

The article deals with the cholera epidemic of the 1830s in the Pelhřimov region, focusing mainly on its perception as a modern plague. Medical helplessness in the face of the new disease revived the popular conception of the epidemic as God's punishment, as well as confidence in miracles, which was incompatible with the educational discourse of the upper classes. Against the background of this faith, there was an unprecedented boom in the reputation of the pilgrimage site of Křemešník dedicated to the Holy Trinity. The popularity of the local miraculous water was reflected in the publication of several commercial prints, which constitute the main...

"S podzimem dostavil se zlý host." Cholera ve válečném roce 1866 v pramenech osobní povahy

"An evil guest arrived in the autumn." Cholera in the war year 1866 in sources of a personal nature

Vojtěch Kessler

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):247-265 | DOI: 10.32725/oph.2020.026424  

Most of the contemporary texts dealing with the war year 1866 contain mentions of the course and consequences of the cholera epidemic brought to Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia by the Prussian army of occupation. In the sources we examined, certain thematic frameworks or figures were repeated, which can be summarized as follows: 1) Metaphorical names for cholera or its symptoms; 2) Speculation about the causes; 3) The causal connection between the epidemic and the Prussian army's lack of moderation as regards diet; 4) Relationship with the social status of the infected (deceased); 5) Metaphorical designations for the spread of the epidemic in the given...

Editions and documents

Die Beurteilung des Böhmischen Aufstands im Pamphlet vom Winter 1618/1619

An Assessment of the Bohemian Rebellion in a Pamphlet from the Winter of 1618/1619

Kateřina Pražáková

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):266-298 | DOI: 10.32725/oph.2020.027471  

The study analyses and makes available the pamphlet Pasquill von itzigem Zustandt deß Kriegswesens from 1618/1619, which has been preserved in a manuscript version in the collections of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden. It may be assumed that it was delivered with other reports to the court of Elector Johann Georg I of Saxony, who took a strong interest in the development of the Bohemian. The author of the pamphlet provides a list of influential persons, power groups and countries which could fundamentally intervene in the conflict between the Habsburg rulers and the Bohemian Estates. In each case he added a comment describing the current position...

Book reviews

Marie Tošnerová - Miroslava Květová, Paměť měst. Narativní prameny k dějinám Prahy, Českých Budějovic a Litoměřic do roku 1800

Lenka Martínková

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):299-300160  

Petr Hrachovec, Die Zittauer und ihre Kirchen (1300-1600). Zum Wandel religiöser Stiftungen während der Reformation

Kateřina Horníčková

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):300-303161  

Petr Pavelec - Martin Gaži - Milena Hajná (edd.), Ve znamení Merkura. Šlechta českých zemí v evropské diplomacii

Rostislav Smíšek

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):303-305180  

Pavel Boček a kolektiv, Moskva - Třetí Řím. Od ideje k symbolu

Vladimir Panov

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):305-307176  

Sola fide - Pouhou vírou. Luterská šlechta na Ústecku a Děčínsku a její kulturní dědictví

Josef Hrdlička

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):307-309151  

Ronald G. Asch, Vor dem großen Krieg. Europa im Zeitalter der spanischen Friedensordnung 1598-1618

Václav Bůžek

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):309-311141  

Jan Kilián, Niklasberg 1618-1648. Život a lidé v krušnohorském městě za třicetileté války

Josef Čížek

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):311-312198  

Martin Bakeš, Diplomatem v půlnoční zemi. Zástupci Habsburků ve Švédském království mezi lety 1650 a 1730

Ondřej Lee Stolička

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):312-315147  

Pavla Jirková, "Větší-li se, či menší mor". Raně novověké morové epidemie v českých zemích

Markéta Skořepová

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):315-316226  

Tomáš Malý, Obrazy a rituál. Římské korunovace divotvorných Madon a koncept barokní kultury

Kateřina Pražáková

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):316-318188  

Konstantin Dimitrievič Bugrov - Michail Alexandrovič Kiselev, Естественное право и добродетель. Интеграция европейсково влияния в российскую политическую культуру XVIII. века

Ivo Cerman

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):319-321222  

Dale K. van Kley, Reform Catholicism and the International Suppression of the Jesuits in Enlightenment Europe

Ivo Cerman

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):321-324154  

Šárka Nekvapil Jirásková, Protoindustriální společnost. Populační chování a životní strategie venkovského obyvatelstva severovýchodních Čech v 18. a 19. století

Josef Grulich

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):324-326174  

What's new in early modern studies

Co je nového v raném novověku

What's new in early modern studies

Václav Bůžek, Kateřina Pražáková, Markéta Skořepová

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):327-328169  


Bibliografie k dějinám epidemií 1500-1918

Bibliography of the History of Epidemics 1500-1918

Ivo Cerman

Opera Historica 2020, 21(2):329-336 | DOI: 10.32725/oph.2020.042380