Changes in the burial customs in the Early and Late Iron Age in Central Europe


  • Miloslav Chytráček Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Letenská 4, CZ-118 01 Praha
  • Ondřej Chvojka Jihočeské muzeum, Dukelská 1, CZ-370 51 České Budějovice; Jihočeská univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Archeologický ústav, Branišovská 31a, CZ-370 05 České Budějovice
  • Markus Egg Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Ernst-Ludwig-Platz 2, D-55116 Mainz
  • Jan John Jihočeská univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Archeologický ústav, Branišovská 31a, CZ-370 05 České Budějovice
  • Jan Michálek Nádražní 120, 39701 Písek
  • René Kyselý Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Letenská 4, CZ-118 01 Praha
  • Petra Stránská Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Letenská 4, CZ-118 01 Praha



Hallstatt period, La Tène period, burial rite, barrow, grave, grave goods


Burial customs underwent gradual changes during the Iron Age, sometimes revealing significant upheavals occurring in the socio-spiritual sphere of the time. Both commonalities and differences between Western and Eastern Europe can be observed in the development of Iron Age burial practices. Particular attention is paid to the differences between the western and eastern parts of Central Europe, which come to the forefront in LT C2 and are probably related to the radical change in religious ideas in the eastern part of Central Europe. Interdisciplinary investigation of the disturbed princely barrow from the Late Hallstatt period in Rovná near Strakonice (South Bohemia) produced new information that has helped clarify the studied topic.


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How to Cite

Chytráček, M., Chvojka, O., Egg, M., John, J., Michálek, J., Kyselý, R., & Stránská, P. (2022). Changes in the burial customs in the Early and Late Iron Age in Central Europe. Archeologické Rozhledy, 73(4), 578–623.



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