Number of the records: 1  

Method for monitoring seismic events

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0323886
    Document TypeP - Patent
    R&D Document TypePatent or other outcome protected by special legislation
    TitleMethod for monitoring seismic events
    TitleMetoda monitorování seismických jevů
    Author(s) Jechumtálová, Zuzana (GFU-E) ORCID, RID
    Eisner, L. (GB)
    Year of issue2009
    Possible third party use of the resultA - Pro využití výsledku jiným subjektem je vždy nutné nabytí licence
    Royalty requestedA - Poskytovatel licence požaduje licenční poplatek
    Patent no. or utility model no. or industrial design no.WO 2009/022092 A1
    Date of the patent acceptance19.02.2009
    Name of the patent ownerSchlumberger
    Current useA - Pouze udělený (dosud nevyužívaný) patent nebo patent využívaný jeho vlastníkem
    Languageeng - English
    CountryUS - United States
    Keywordsmicroseismic monitoring ; hydrocarbon wells ; signal recordings
    Subject RIVDC - Siesmology, Volcanology, Earth Structure
    CEZAV0Z30120515 - GFU-E (2005-2011)
    AnnotationA microseismic method of monitoring fracturing operation or other microseismic events in hydrocarbon wells is described using the steps of obtaining multi-component signal recordings from a single monitoring well in the vicinity of a fracture or event; and rotating observed signals such that they become independent of at least one component of the moment tensor representing the source mechanism and performing an inversion of the rotated signals to determine the remaining components.
    WorkplaceGeophysical Institute
    ContactHana Krejzlíková,, Tel.: 267 103 028
    Year of Publishing2009
Number of the records: 1  

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