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The Renaissance Workshop

  1. 1.
    0426560 - ÚACH 2014 RIV GB eng M - Monography Chapter
    Serendan, C. - Hradil, David - Hradilová, J. - Cannataci, J.
    Early Renaissance altarpieces in Transylvania: materials and technological characteristics.
    The Renaissance Workshop. London: Archetype Publications Ltd.</, 2013, s. 60-70. ISBN 978-1-904982-93-7
    Institutional support: RVO:61388980
    Keywords : altarpieces in Transylvania * Johannes Stoss * Vincentium from Sibiu * poliment * Zwischgold
    Subject RIV: CA - Inorganic Chemistry

    This contribution focuses on the identification of the materials and technological characteristics of painting workshops active in Transylvania in the first decades of the sixteenth century. The first group of workshops considered was located in Sighişoara, one of which is known to have been run by Johannes Stoss. The altarpieces in the second group are attributed to the workshop of Vincentius, a painter in Sibiu, who signed and dated several altarpieces and one fresco painting still preserved in the region. Extensive research carried out during the past five years has brought to light important new evidence regarding particular features and similarities in the preparatory layers, gilding techniques and paint application. Complementary analytical methods and close visual examination were used to identify the structure and the composition of the grounds, poliments and precious metals on the painted panels. The results point to technological features common to the workshops, such as red poliments pigmented with iron oxides and cinnabar, and to complementary "fingerprint" characteristics that can occasionally be corroborative, including gilding techniques associated with coloured glazes, red underdrawing and particular techniques of paint application.
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