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Photonic waveguides with bound states in the continuum
- 1.0603608 - ÚFE 2025 RIV US eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Petráček, J. - Čtyroký, Jiří - Kuzmiak, Vladimír - Richter, I.
Photonic waveguides with bound states in the continuum.
Proceedings of ICTON 2024. New York: IEEE, 2024 - (Prudenzano, F.; Marciniak, M.), č. článku 10647505. ISBN 979-835037730-9. ISSN 2162-7339.
[International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2024) /24./. Bari (IT), 14.07.2024-18.07.2024]
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004573
Institutional support: RVO:67985882
Keywords : guided modes * integrated photonics * leaky modes * anisotropic waveguides * bound states in the continuum * electro-optic modulators
OECD category: Optics (including laser optics and quantum optics)
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Recent research on bound states in the continuum (BICs) in photonic waveguides relied mainly on structures that exhibit the effect of lateral leakage. However, the propagating BICs that are supported in such systems have some limitations: they are localized in or in the vicinity of high-refractive-index materials, they are observed as quasiTM polarized waves, and they appear only for certain 'magic' sets of parameters. Here, we demonstrate two simple waveguide systems that enable alternative mechanisms of BIC formation. In contrast to the previously described configurations, the first geometry, consisting of a rectangular waveguide coupled to a planar waveguide, facilitates genuine guiding of quasi-TE modes in the core with the lower refractive index. The second system, proton exchanged waveguide in Z-cut thin-film lithium niobate, can support very low-loss TM-polarized quasiBIC modes for a range of waveguide widths not limited to 'magic widths'
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