Number of the records: 1
Ectopic assembly of an auxin efflux control machinery shifts developmental trajectories
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SYSNO 0601087 Title Ectopic assembly of an auxin efflux control machinery shifts developmental trajectories Author(s) Fandino, A. C. A. (CH)
Jelínková, Adriana (UEB-Q) RID, ORCID
Marhava, P. (CH)
Petrášek, Jan (UEB-Q) RID, ORCID
Hardtke, C.S. (CH)Corespondence/senior Hardtke, C.S. - Korespondující autor Source Title Plant Cell. Roč. 36, č. 5 (2024), s. 1791-1805. - : Oxford University Press Document Type Článek v odborném periodiku Grant GF21-08021L GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF), CZ - Czech Republic Institutional support UEB-Q - RVO:61389030 Language eng Country US Keywords plasma-membrane * transport * polarity * phosphorylation * endocytosis * kinases * growth * trafficking * expression * carriers URL Permanent Link File Download Size Commentary Version Access 2024_Fandino_PLANT CELL_1791.pdf 1 29.1 MB Other open-access
Number of the records: 1