Number of the records: 1
Setkání WP2 projektu CarDia
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SYSNO 0600926 Title Setkání WP2 projektu CarDia Title WP2 CarDia meeting Author(s) Kopecký, Jan (FGU-C) RID, ORCID Type of action Workshop Place, date 20241104, Praha Document Type Uspořádání konference, workshopu, výstavy Grant LX22NPO5104 GA MŠMT - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS), CZ - Czech Republic Institutional support FGU-C - RVO:67985823 Language cze Keywords interdisciplinary collaboration * metabolic disorders * therapeutic strategies Permanent Link File Download Size Commentary Version Access 241104_WP2 meeting_program_0600926.pdf 5 489.2 KB Other open-access
Number of the records: 1