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Unravelling the neglected role of ultraviolet radiation on stomata: A meta-analysis with implications for modelling ecosystem-climate interactions

  1. 1.
    0585347 - ÚVGZ 2025 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Ač, Alexander - Jansen, Marcel Arnold Karsten - Grace, John - Urban, Otmar
    Unravelling the neglected role of ultraviolet radiation on stomata: A meta-analysis with implications for modelling ecosystem-climate interactions.
    Plant Cell and Environment. Roč. 47, č. 5 (2024), s. 1769-1781. ISSN 0140-7791. E-ISSN 1365-3040
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004635
    Institutional support: RVO:86652079
    Keywords : uv-b radiation * leaf optical-properties * chlorophyll fluorescence * physiological-responses * ozone depletion * shade leaves * plant * photosynthesis * conductance * growth * carbon sink * plant stress responses * review * stomatal aperture * stomatal conductance and transpiration * stomatal size and density * uv-b
    OECD category: Plant sciences, botany
    Impact factor: 6, year: 2023 ; AIS: 1.658, rok: 2023
    Method of publishing: Open access
    Result website:

    Stomata play a pivotal role in regulating gas exchange between plants and the atmosphere controlling water and carbon cycles. Accordingly, we investigated the impact of ultraviolet-B radiation, a neglected environmental factor varying with ongoing global change, on stomatal morphology and function by a Comprehensive Meta-Analysis. The overall UV effect at the leaf level is to decrease stomatal conductance, stomatal aperture and stomatal size, although stomatal density was increased. The significant decline in stomatal conductance is marked (6% in trees and >10% in grasses and herbs) in short-term experiments, with more modest decreases noted in long-term UV studies. Short-term experiments in growth chambers are not representative of long-term field UV effects on stomatal conductance. Important consequences of altered stomatal function are hypothesized. In the short term, UV-mediated stomatal closure may reduce carbon uptake but also water loss through transpiration, thereby alleviating deleterious effects of drought. However, in the long term, complex changes in stomatal aperture, size, and density may reduce the carbon sequestration capacity of plants and increase vegetation and land surface temperatures, potentially exacerbating negative effects of drought and/or heatwaves. Therefore, the expected future strength of carbon sink capacity in high-UV regions is likely overestimated.
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    Scientific data in ASEP :
    Unraveling the neglected role of UV radiation on stomata: a meta-analysis with implications for modeling ecosystem-climate interactions
Number of the records: 1  

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