Number of the records: 1
Application of microfluidic reactor for phase transfer catalysed N-alkylation
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SYSNO ASEP 0580646 Document Type A - Abstract R&D Document Type The record was not marked in the RIV R&D Document Type Není vybrán druh dokumentu Title Application of microfluidic reactor for phase transfer catalysed N-alkylation Author(s) Jaklová, Natalie (UCHP-M)
Klusoň, Petr (UCHP-M) RID, ORCID, SAI
Stavárek, Petr (UCHP-M) RID, ORCID, SAI
Vychodilová, Hana (UCHP-M) RID, SAIAction European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology /14./ Event date 17.09.2023 - 21.09.2023 VEvent location Berlin Country DE - Germany Event type EUR Language eng - English Keywords microfluidic reactor ; N-alkylation ; phase transfer catalysis OECD category Chemical process engineering Institutional support UCHP-M - RVO:67985858 Annotation The main topic of the contribution is the transfer of the batch N-alkylation reaction to the continuous regime. This involves the alkylation of the methyl ester of 10αmethoxydihydrolysergic acid (LUME) to form the methyl ester of 1-methyl-10αmethoxydihydrolysergic acid (MeLUME). The chosen methylation reaction is part of the production of Nicergoline, a drug used to promote cognitive function in patients suffering from senile and presenile syndrome of vascular or degenerative origin, or to promote peripheral blood flow. Workplace Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals Contact Eva Jirsová,, Tel.: 220 390 227 Year of Publishing 2024
Number of the records: 1