Number of the records: 1  

Measurements of Higgs boson production by gluon-gluon fusion and vector-boson fusion \nusing H → WW* → eνμν decays in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

  1. 1.
    AAD, G., ABBOTT, B., ABBOTT, D.C., CHUDOBA, Jiří, HEJBAL, Jiří, JAČKA, Petr, KEPKA, Oldřich, KROLL, Jiří, KUPČO, Alexander, LATOŇOVÁ, Věra, LOKAJÍČEK, Miloš, LYSÁK, Roman, MARČIŠOVSKÝ, Michal, MIKEŠTÍKOVÁ, Marcela, NĚMEČEK, Stanislav, PENC, Ondřej, ŠÍCHO, Petr, STAROBA, Pavel, SVATOŠ, Michal, TAŠEVSKÝ, Marek. Measurements of Higgs boson production by gluon-gluon fusion and vector-boson fusion
    using H → WW* → eνμν decays in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical Review D. 2023, 108(3), 032005. ISSN 2470-0010. E-ISSN 2470-0029. Available:
Number of the records: 1  

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