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Adverbs Derived from Adjectival Present Participles in Polish, Slovak and Czech: A Comparative Corpus-based Study

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    SYSNO ASEP0577623
    Document TypeJ - Journal Article
    R&D Document TypeJournal Article
    Subsidiary JČlánek ve SCOPUS
    TitleAdverbs Derived from Adjectival Present Participles in Polish, Slovak and Czech: A Comparative Corpus-based Study
    Author(s) Schillova, Aksana (UJC-A) ORCID
    Source TitleJazykovedný časopis. - : Jazykovědný ústav L. Štůra SAV - ISSN 0021-5597
    Roč. 74, č. 1 (2023), s. 119-129
    Number of pages11 s.
    Publication formPrint - P
    Languageeng - English
    CountrySK - Slovakia
    Keywordsadverb ; adjectival present participle ; word-formation ; comparable corpora ; Aranea
    Subject RIVAI - Linguistics
    OECD categoryLinguistics
    Method of publishingOpen access
    Institutional supportUJC-A - RVO:68378092
    EID SCOPUS85181563245
    AnnotationThe paper investigates and compares the inventory of adverbs derived from adjectival present participles in the Polish, Slovak and Czech languages. The particularity of these adverbs is that they do not occur in every language, even if it concerns closely related languages. While in Polish and Slovak this type of adverbs is represented by hundreds of lemmas, in Czech it is almost not represented. The comparative analysis is carried out on the data retrieved from the comparable web corpora Aranea. The sets of adverbs extracted from the comparable corpora of the languages examined are analysed by the following criteria: the total number of the adverb lemmas in the corpus, their relative frequency (ipm), morphemic structure features, collocability preferences. The similarities and differences between the adverb sets are established. According to the corpus data, the adverbs derived from adjectival present participles are more widely used in Polish than in Slovak, and in Czech they are a rare phenomenon represented by a limited number of lemmas with a negligible frequency.
    WorkplaceThe Czech Language Institute
    ContactYvona Tesařová,, Tel.: 225 391 406 ; Marie Chybová,, Tel.: 532 290 515 ; Helena Svobodová,, Tel.: 532 290 266
    Year of Publishing2024
    Electronic address
Number of the records: 1  

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