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Polymer theranostics with multiple stimuli-based activation of photodynamic therapy and tumor imaging
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SYSNO ASEP 0575824 Document Type J - Journal Article R&D Document Type Journal Article Subsidiary J Článek ve WOS Title Polymer theranostics with multiple stimuli-based activation of photodynamic therapy and tumor imaging Author(s) Tavares, Marina Rodrigues (UMCH-V) ORCID, RID
Islam, R. (JP)
Šubr, Vladimír (UMCH-V) RID, ORCID
Hackbarth, S. (DE)
Gao, S. (JP)
Yang, K. (JP)
Lobaz, Volodymyr (UMCH-V) RID, ORCID
Fang, J. (JP)
Etrych, Tomáš (UMCH-V) RID, ORCIDSource Title Theranostics. - : Ivyspring International Publisher - ISSN 1838-7640
Roč. 13, č. 14 (2023), s. 4952-4973Number of pages 22 s. Language eng - English Country AU - Australia Keywords fluorescence imaging ; photodynamic therapy ; pH-responsive theranostics Subject RIV CD - Macromolecular Chemistry OECD category Polymer science R&D Projects NU21-08-00280 GA MZd - Ministry of Health (MZ) LX22NPO5102 GA MŠMT - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) Method of publishing Open access Institutional support UMCH-V - RVO:61389013 UT WOS 001085028000015 EID SCOPUS 85172829315 DOI Annotation Efficient theranostic strategies concurrently bring and use both the therapeutic and diagnostic features, serving as a cutting-edge tool to combat advanced cancers. Here, we develop stimuli-sensitive theranostics consisting of tailored copolymers forming micellar conjugates carrying pyropheophorbide-a (PyF) attached by pH-sensitive hydrazone bonds, thus enabling the tumor microenvironment-sensitive activation of the photodynamic therapy (PDT) effect, fluorescence or phosphorescence. The nanomedicines show superior anti-tumor PDT efficacy and huge tumor-imaging potential, while reducing their accumulation, and potentially side effects, in the liver and spleen. The developed theranostics exhibit clear selective tumor accumulation at high levels in the mouse sarcoma S180 tumor model with almost no PyF found in the healthy tissues after 48 h. Once in the tumor, illumination at λexc = 420 nm reaches the therapeutic effect due to the 1O2 generation. Indeed, an almost complete inhibition of tumor growth is observed up to 18 days after the treatment. The clear benefit of the specific PyF release and activation in the acidic tumor environment for the targeted delivery and tissue distribution dynamics was proved. Conjugates carrying pyropheophorbide-a (PyF) attached by pH-sensitive hydrazone bonds showed their excellent antitumor PDT effect and its applicability as advanced theranostics at very low dose of PyF. Workplace Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry Contact Eva Čechová, ; Tel.: 296 809 358 Year of Publishing 2024 Electronic address
Number of the records: 1