Number of the records: 1
Polymer theranostics with multiple stimuli-based activation of photodynamic therapy and tumor imaging
- 1.Tavares, Marina Rodrigues - Islam, R. - Šubr, Vladimír - Hackbarth, S. - Gao, S. - Yang, K. - Lobaz, Volodymyr - Fang, J. - Etrych, Tomáš
Polymer theranostics with multiple stimuli-based activation of photodynamic therapy and tumor imaging.
Theranostics. Roč. 13, č. 14 (2023), s. 4952-4973. ISSN 1838-7640. E-ISSN 1838-7640
R&D Projects: GA MZd(CZ) NU21-08-00280; GA MŠMT LX22NPO5102
Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) JSPS-22-01
Program: Bilaterální spolupráce
OECD category: Polymer science
Impact factor: 12.4, year: 2023 ; AIS: 2.499, rok: 2023
Method of publishing: Open access
Result website:
Number of the records: 1