Number of the records: 1
Tree water uptake enhances nitrogen acquisition in a fertilized boreal forest but not under nitrogen-poor conditions
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SYSNO ASEP 0559316 Document Type J - Journal Article R&D Document Type Journal Article Subsidiary J Článek ve WOS Title Tree water uptake enhances nitrogen acquisition in a fertilized boreal forest but not under nitrogen-poor conditions Author(s) Henriksson, N. (SE)
Lim, H. (SE)
Marshall, John David (UEK-B) RID, SAI
Franklin, O. (SE)
McMurtrie, R. E. (AU)
Lutter, R. (EE)
Magh, R. (SE)
Lundmark, T. (SE)
Nasholm, T. (SE)Number of authors 9 Source Title New Phytologist - ISSN 0028-646X
Roč. 232, č. 1 (2021), s. 113-122Number of pages 10 s. Language eng - English Country GB - United Kingdom Keywords n-15 ; deuterium ; diffusion ; isotope ; mass flow ; nitrogen uptake ; Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) ; water uptake Subject RIV EF - Botanics OECD category Plant sciences, botany Method of publishing Open access Institutional support UEK-B - RVO:86652079 UT WOS 000675530300001 EID SCOPUS 85110986635 DOI Annotation Understanding how plant water uptake interacts with acquisition of soil nitrogen (N) and other nutrients is fundamental for predicting plant responses to a changing environment, but it is an area where models disagree. We present a novel isotopic labelling approach which reveals spatial patterns of water and N uptake, and their interaction, by trees. The stable isotopes N-15 and H-2 were applied to a small area of the forest floor in stands with high and low soil N availability. Uptake by surrounding trees was measured. The sensitivity of N acquisition to water uptake was quantified by statistical modelling. Trees in the high-N stand acquired twice as much N-15 as in the low-N stand and around half of their N uptake was dependent on water uptake (H-2 enrichment). By contrast, in the low-N stand there was no positive effect of water uptake on N uptake. We conclude that tree N acquisition was only marginally dependent on water flux toward the root surface under low-N conditions whereas under high-N conditions, the water-associated N uptake was substantial. The results suggest a fundamental shift in N acquisition strategy under high-N conditions. Workplace Global Change Research Institute Contact Nikola Šviková,, Tel.: 511 192 268 Year of Publishing 2023 Electronic address
Number of the records: 1