Number of the records: 1  

HDS activity of Mo and NiMo sulfided catalyst prepared by thioglycolic acid\nassisted hydrothermal synthesis.

  1. 1.
    Palcheva, R. - Kaluža, Luděk - Tyuliev, G. - Jirátová, Květa - Gulková, Daniela - Dimitrov, L. - Avdeev, G.
    HDS activity of Mo and NiMo sulfided catalyst prepared by thioglycolic acid
    assisted hydrothermal synthesis.
    Book of Abstracts. 2021, s. 53-54, č. článku AP-21. ISBN N.
    [Workshop on Size-Dependent Effect in Materials for Environmental Protection and Energy Application /3./. Pomorie (BG), 12.09.2021-15.09.2021]
    Grant - others:BAS(BG) BAS-20-1
    OECD category: Physical chemistry
    Result website:
Number of the records: 1  

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