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Residual moisture in the sewage sludge feed significantly affects the pyrolysis process: Simulation of continuous process in a batch reactor.

  1. 1.
    0548934 - ÚCHP 2023 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
    Moško, Jaroslav - Jeremiáš, Michal - Skoblia, S. - Beňo, Z. - Sikarwar, Vineet Singh - Hušek, Matěj - Wang, H. - Pohořelý, Michael
    Residual moisture in the sewage sludge feed significantly affects the pyrolysis process: Simulation of continuous process in a batch reactor.
    Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. Roč. 161, JAN 2022 (2022), č. článku 105387. ISSN 0165-2370. E-ISSN 1873-250X
    R&D Projects: GA MZe(CZ) QK21020022
    Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) StrategieAV21/3
    Program: StrategieAV
    Institutional support: RVO:67985858 ; RVO:61389021
    Keywords : sewage sludge * pyrolysis * gasification * gas composition
    OECD category: Energy and fuels; Energy and fuels (UFP-V)
    Impact factor: 6, year: 2022 ; AIS: 0.792, rok: 2022
    Method of publishing: Open access with time embargo

    In the experiments presented within this manuscript, we allowed the residual moisture typical for industrially dried sludge (10 wt%) to react within the pyrolysis process by incorporating it into the carrier gas (consisting finally of 70 vol% steam and 30 vol% He). This steam reacted within the pyrolysis process at temperatures 400–800 °C in a fixed-bed reactor. The results were thoroughly compared with the results of a previous study with pure helium atmosphere, within the same experimental setup. When comparing the experiments with and without steam in the carrier gas, a significant difference in the distribution and properties of the products was observed especially at temperatures above 600 °C. The use of steam as a carrier gas (instead of inert gas) resulted in a remarkably higher pyrolysis gas yield. The pyrolysis gas constituted of almost double the content of hydrogen with a decrease in the yield of the sludge-char. Moreover, particular changes in sludge-char properties were observed. Not only the steam enhanced textural properties of the sludge-chars, especially the specific surface area and the total specific pore volume, but it also resulted in a significantly lower content of C, H, N and S and lower heating value of the sludge-char. These parameters can be decisive in case of sludge-char utilization ranging from agronomic through adsorbents to fuel use. Our approach provides a simplified way to better predict the distribution and properties of pyrolysis products in large-scale units. This can be time and money saving and is crucial to make decisions about the applicability of pyrolysis technology to specific sewage sludge products.
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    0548934.pdf11.8 MBAuthor’s postprintopen-access
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