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Seismic activity of hard coal longwall mining in protective shaft pillar near closed room and pillar panel

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    SYSNO ASEP0546794
    Document TypeC - Proceedings Paper (int. conf.)
    R&D Document TypeConference Paper
    TitleSeismic activity of hard coal longwall mining in protective shaft pillar near closed room and pillar panel
    Author(s) Koníček, Petr (UGN-S) RID, ORCID
    Kajzar, Vlastimil (UGN-S) RID, ORCID
    Schreiber, J. (CZ)
    Number of authors3
    Article number012087
    Source TitleIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 833. - Bristol : IOP Publishing Ltd., 2021 - ISSN 1755-1307
    Number of pages9 s.
    Publication formOnline - E
    ActionEUROCK 2021 Conference on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering from Theory to Practice
    Event date20.09.2021 - 25.09.2021
    VEvent locationTurin
    CountryIT - Italy
    Event typeWRD
    Languageeng - English
    CountryGB - United Kingdom
    Keywordsseismic activity ; hard coal ; longwall mining ; shaft pillar ; room and pillar panel
    Subject RIVDH - Mining, incl. Coal Mining
    OECD categoryMining and mineral processing
    Institutional supportUGN-S - RVO:68145535
    EID SCOPUS85115158882
    AnnotationMonitoring of seismic activity during mining in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin is a part of rockburst prevention system. System is composed from two parts - seismological (SL) and seismoacoustic (SA) monitoring. Evaluation of data from both systems allows describing stress deformation process during mining and evaluation of rockburst mitigation techniques effectiveness. Described longwall was mining in a protective pillar after two trial room and pillar (R&P) testing panels were completed. Evaluation of seismic activity was carried out by special software tool which allows simulating daily advance of mining and registered seismic activity. Different mining stages were identified for evaluation of seismic activity (e.g. weekly and daily summary graph of seismic activity, Benioff graph, event rate graph, energy vs time graph etc.). Evaluation of seismic activity provides many interesting results, mainly in the area of longwall panel termination when one pillar of the R&P trial was impacted by the longwall. This work presents seismic activity analysis, detailed site conditions and implemented active rockburst measures and its effectiveness. Analysis of seismic activity allows to formulate conclusions for longwall mining operations and evaluation of seismic activity in unfavourable geomechanical conditions within the area of protective shaft pillar border
    WorkplaceInstitute of Geonics
    ContactLucie Gurková,, Tel.: 596 979 354
    Year of Publishing2022
    Electronic address
Number of the records: 1  

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