Number of the records: 1
Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Target TWISTED DWARF1-Regulated Actin Dynamics and Auxin Transport-Mediated Plant Development
- 1.Tan, S. - Di Donato, M. - Glanc, M. - Zhang, X. - Klíma, Petr - Liu, J. - Bailly, A. - Ferro, N. - Petrášek, Jan - Geisler, M. - Friml, J.
Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Target TWISTED DWARF1-Regulated Actin Dynamics and Auxin Transport-Mediated Plant Development.
Cell Reports. Roč. 33, č. 9 (2020), č. článku 108463. ISSN 2211-1247. E-ISSN 2211-1247
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EF16_019/0000738
Grant - others:OPPK(XE) CZ.2.16/3.1.00/21519
OECD category: Biochemical research methods
Impact factor: 9.423, year: 2020 ; AIS: 4.515, rok: 2020
Method of publishing: Open access
Result website:
Number of the records: 1