Number of the records: 1
Complementary use of X-ray based imaging and analytical methods in the investigation of miniature portraits
- 1.Hradilová, J. - Hradil, David - Pech, M. - Bezdička, Petr - Neděla, Vilém - Tihlaříková, Eva - Targowski, P.
Complementary use of X-ray based imaging and analytical methods in the investigation of miniature portraits.
Microchemical Journal. Roč. 153, MAR (2020), č. článku 104371. ISSN 0026-265X. E-ISSN 1095-9149
R&D Projects: GA MK(CZ) DG18P02OVV034
OECD category: Analytical chemistry
Impact factor: 4.821, year: 2020 ; AIS: 0.613, rok: 2020
Method of publishing: Open access with time embargo
Number of the records: 1