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Becoming Ottomans: Sephardi Jews and Imperial Citizenship in the Modern Era

  1. 1.
    0483108 - OÚ 2018 GB eng R - Book Review
    Taglia, Stefano
    Becoming Ottomans: Sephardi Jews and Imperial Citizenship in the Modern Era.
    English Historical Review. Roč. 130, č. 547 (2015), s. 1579-1580. ISSN 0013-8266. E-ISSN 1477-4534
    Institutional support: RVO:68378009
    OECD category: History (history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings)

    Julia Phillips Cohen’s book makes a significant contribution to contemporary academic debates surrounding the relationship between the Ottoman central state and the various minorities (in this case the Ottoman Jewish one) during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The book speaks to the field of late Ottoman studies on a number of levels. It debunks the myth that the relationship between the Ottoman state and all minorities living within it followed a similar trajectory. Simultaneously, Cohen problematises the reading of the relationship between the state and its minorities as a one-way dynamic, showing how initiatives were taken from the minorities not just as responses to the demands of the state, but as plans for the development of the minority’s own community.
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