Number of the records: 1
National Regulations Affecting Coppice Management in 27 EuroCoppice Member Countries. COST Action FP1301 Reports
- 1.0477863 - BÚ 2018 RIV DE eng M - Monography Chapter
Hédl, Radim
Czech Republic.
National Regulations Affecting Coppice Management in 27 EuroCoppice Member Countries. COST Action FP1301 Reports. Freiburg: Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, 2017 - (Mills, J.; Buckley, P.), s. 26-28
Institutional support: RVO:67985939
Keywords : coppicing * Czech Republic * legislation
OECD category: Forestry
During the 19th-20th centuries, all types of forest use interfering with timber-oriented forestry were suppressed and were gradually replaced with highly standardized approach. The second half of the 20th century witnessed transfer of the remaining inactive coppices to high forest by the means of singling-out of the most dominant stems. Current revival of coppicing in the Czech Republic follows the development in western Europe. Relaxation of timber-oriented forestry and greater acknowledgement of ecological values of forests in the past two to three decades creates oppotunities for return of traditional management forms including coppicing.
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Number of the records: 1