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Infection by rhodococcus fascians maintains cotyledons as a sink tissue for the pathogen

  1. 1.
    TitleInfection by rhodococcus fascians maintains cotyledons as a sink tissue for the pathogen
    Author(s) Dhandapani, P. (NZ)
    Song, J. (US)
    Novák, Ondřej (UEB-Q) RID, ORCID, SAI
    Jameson, P. E. (NZ)
    Corespondence/seniorJameson, P. E. - Korespondující autor
    Source Title Annals of Botany. Roč. 119, č. 5 (2017), s. 841-852. - : Oxford University Press
    Document TypeČlánek v odborném periodiku
    Grant LO1204 GA MŠMT - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS), CZ - Czech Republic
    LK21306 GA MŠMT - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS)
    Institutional supportUEB-Q - RVO:61389030
    Keywords Amino acid transporter * Apical dominance * Cell wall invertase * Cytokinin * Cytokinin oxidase/dehydro-genase * Pea * Pisum sativum L. * Rhodococcus fascians * Seed * Sink and source * Sucrose transporter * sweet
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