Number of the records: 1
Optical properties of nanocrystalline (Ho0,05Y0,95)(2)Ti2O7 for optical amplifiers
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SYSNO ASEP 0472975 Document Type C - Proceedings Paper (int. conf.) R&D Document Type Conference Paper Title Optical properties of nanocrystalline (Ho0,05Y0,95)(2)Ti2O7 for optical amplifiers Author(s) Vytykáčová, Soňa (URE-Y)
Mrázek, Jan (URE-Y) RID, ORCID
Proboštová, Jana (URE-Y)
Kašík, Ivan (URE-Y) RIDArticle number 98851F Source Title PHOTONIC CRYSTAL MATERIALS AND DEVICES XII, 9885. - Bellingham : SPIE, 2016 / Lozano G. - ISSN 0277-786X - ISBN 978-1-5106-0130-7 Number of pages 7 s. Publication form Print - P Action Conference on Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices XII Event date 05.04.2016 - 07.04.2016 VEvent location Brussels Country BE - Belgium Event type WRD Language eng - English Country US - United States Keywords nanocrystals ; refractive index ; titanates Subject RIV BH - Optics, Masers, Lasers R&D Projects GA14-35256S GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) Institutional support URE-Y - RVO:67985882 UT WOS 000382992800026 EID SCOPUS 84982292528 DOI Annotation In this contribution we present a versatile sol-gel approach to highly transparent nanocrystalline thin films of (Ho0,05Y0,95)(2)Ti2O7. We focused on their optical properties and relation between the processing parameters, their structure, and resulting optical properties. Highly transparent and homogenous thin films have been prepared onto planar silica substrates. Coated films were thermally treated to temperatures ranging from 700 to 900 degrees C. The effect of the structure on the optical properties of prepared films were evaluated. The thickness of prepared layers ranged from 500 to 600 nm and the mean size of nanocrystals ranged around 25 nm in dependence on the processing conditions. Refractive index of prepared films ranged from the value 1.8 up to 2.2. High optical transparency of prepared films along with the ability to tailor the refractive index makes the films to be a suitable material for the construction of planar optical devices Workplace Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics Contact Petr Vacek,, Tel.: 266 773 413, 266 773 438, 266 773 488 Year of Publishing 2017
Number of the records: 1