Number of the records: 1
From Hus to Luther: Visual Culture in the Bohemian Reformation (1380-1620)
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SYSNO ASEP 0470601 Document Type M - Monograph Chapter R&D Document Type Monograph Chapter Title Calvinist Views on Religious Images in Bohemia Author(s) Šroněk, Michal (UDU-I) RID Source Title From Hus to Luther: Visual Culture in the Bohemian Reformation (1380-1620). - Turnhout : Brepols Publishers, 2016 / Horníčková K. ; Šroněk M. - ISBN 978-2-503-54805-0 Pages s. 231-246 Number of pages 16 s. Number of pages 323 Publication form Print - P Language eng - English Country BE - Belgium Keywords Calvinists ; sacred images ; iconoclasm Subject RIV AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage Institutional support UDU-I - RVO:68378033 Annotation The article focuses on the question of sacred images in the teaching of the calvinist theologians in Bohemia at the beginning of the 17th century. Workplace Institute of Art History Contact Veronika Jungmannová,, Tel.: 221 183 506 ; Markéta Kratochvílová,, Tel.: 220 303 939 Year of Publishing 2017
Number of the records: 1