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Photoluminescence of nanodiamonds influenced by charge transfer from silicon and metal substrates

  1. 1.
    0470478 - FZÚ 2017 RIV CH eng J - Journal Article
    Stehlík, Štěpán - Ondič, Lukáš - Berhane, A. M. - Aharonovich, I. - Girard, H.A. - Arnault, J.-C. - Rezek, Bohuslav
    Photoluminescence of nanodiamonds influenced by charge transfer from silicon and metal substrates.
    Diamond and Related Materials. Roč. 63, Mar (2016), s. 91-96. ISSN 0925-9635. E-ISSN 1879-0062
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA15-01809S
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271
    Keywords : nanodiamonds * photoluminescence * electrostatic charging * nanoparticles * interfaces
    Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
    Impact factor: 2.561, year: 2016 ; AIS: 0.484, rok: 2016

    Photoluminescence of 5 nm detonation nanodiamonds (DNDs) is studied as a function of their surface treatment (hydrogenation/oxidation) and underlying substrate materials (silicon, gold, platinum, and nickel). The substrates affect DND photoluminescence emission spectrum and lifetime in the spectral range of 600–800 nm. The dependence is different for hydrogenated and oxidized DNDs. We attribute these effects to different electrostatic charging of DNDs on the substrates with different work functions (4.4 to 5.5 eV). We discuss the data based on naturally present NV centers, their phonon sideband, and surface related non-radiative transitions.
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Number of the records: 1  

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