Number of the records: 1
Black Chromia Coatings on Metal Tubes for the Solar Collectors
- 1.0467882 - ÚFP 2017 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Brožek, V. - Mastný, L. - Novák, M. - Vilémová, Monika - Kubatík, Tomáš František
Black Chromia Coatings on Metal Tubes for the Solar Collectors.
METAL 2016 – Conference proceedings: 25th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Ostrava: TANGER Ltd., Ostrava, 2016, s. 1025-1030. METAL. ISBN 978-80-87294-67-3.
[METAL 2016 - 25th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials/25./. Brno (CZ), 25.05.2016-27.05.2016]
Institutional support: RVO:61389021
Keywords : Solar collector * black chromia * plasma spraying * suspension spraying
Subject RIV: JK - Corrosion ; Surface Treatment of Materials
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Number of the records: 1