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Gender in/and Neoliberal University
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SYSNO ASEP 0454594 Document Type U - Organizing Conference, Workshop, Exhibition R&D Document Type W - Uspořádání workshopu R&D Document Type Není vybrán druh dokumentu Title Gender in/and Neoliberal University Author(s) Cidlinská, Kateřina (SOU-Z) ORCID
Fucimanová, Martina (SOU-Z) ORCIDEvent type W - Workshop Event date 10.11.2015 VEvent location Olomouc Country CZ - Czech Republic Event type EUR Total number of participants 15 Number of foreign participants 1 Language eng - English Keywords mentoring ; sponsorship ; early career researchers Subject RIV AO - Sociology, Demography R&D Projects LE14021 GA MŠMT - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) Institutional support SOU-Z - RVO:68378025 Annotation Organization of a lecture and workshop of dr. Jennifer de Vries „Mentoring and Sponsorship: Tips for success“ for female early career researchers (postgraduate students and postdocs). This interactive workshop included mini lectures based on mentoring and sponsorship research of dr. Jennifer De Vries who is an organizational consultant, public speaker and facilitator, researcher and writer, and Senior Academic Fellow of Organizational Development at the University of Melbourne. She runs a number of programs for employees including Mentoring and Sponsorships programs, Leadership Development and Women-only programs. Dr. De Vries is currently engaged in a joint university of Western Australia and University of Melbourne research project examining sponsorship practices in higher education. Workplace Institute of Sociology Contact Eva Nechvátalová,, Tel.: 222 220 924 / linka 351 Year of Publishing 2016
Number of the records: 1