Number of the records: 1
Analysis of plastid and mitochondrial DNA insertions in the nucleus (NUPTs and NUMTs) of six plant species: size, relative age and chromosomal localization
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SYSNO 0440145 Title Analysis of plastid and mitochondrial DNA insertions in the nucleus (NUPTs and NUMTs) of six plant species: size, relative age and chromosomal localization Author(s) Michalovová, M. (CZ)
Vyskot, Boris (BFU-R) RID, ORCID
Kejnovský, Eduard (BFU-R) RID, ORCIDSource Title Heredity. Roč. 11, č. 4 (2013), s. 314-320 Document Type Článek v odborném periodiku Grant GAP305/10/0930 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF), CZ - Czech Republic GAP501/10/0102 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF), CZ - Czech Republic GAP501/12/2220 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF), CZ - Czech Republic GBP501/12/G090 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF), CZ - Czech Republic Institutional support BFU-R - RVO:68081707 Language eng Country GB Keywords promiscuous DNA * NUPT * NUMT Cooperating institutions Central European Institute for Technology (Czech Republic) Permanent Link
Number of the records: 1