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Correlates and predictors of benefit finding and post-traumatic growth in Childhood cancer survivors

  1. 1.
    0436855 - PSÚ 2015 RIV PT eng A - Abstract
    Koutná, Veronika - Blatný, Marek - Kepák, T. - Jelínek, Martin
    Correlates and predictors of benefit finding and post-traumatic growth in Childhood cancer survivors.
    Abstracts of the IPOS 16th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy, 20 – 24 October 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. Lisabon: Wiley, 2014. s. 351-351.
    [16th World Congress of Psycho-oncology and Psychosocial Academy. 20.10.2014-24.10. 2014, Lisabon]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP407/11/2421
    Institutional support: RVO:68081740
    Keywords : childhood cancer survivors * benefit finding * post-traumatic stress
    Subject RIV: AN - Psychology
    Result website:

    The purpose of this study is to analyze correlates and predictors of both Benefit finding (BF) and Post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) in childhood cancer survivors. The study presents preliminary results of the Quality of Life Longitudinal Study in Paediatric Oncology Patients research project. The cross-sectional part of the study was conducted on 63 children. Data for the longitudinal part of the study concerning predictors of BF and PTSS were available for 48 of these children. The risk of occurrence and development of PTSS as a consequence of paediatric cancer appears to be more connected to emotional characteristic of the survivors, whereas the presence of BF appears to be more influenced by external factor of parental attitudes towards their children and parenting.
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