Number of the records: 1
Modelování a aproximace kovariancí v asimilaci dat
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SYSNO ASEP 0436458 Document Type A - Abstract R&D Document Type The record was not marked in the RIV R&D Document Type Není vybrán druh dokumentu Title Modelování a aproximace kovariancí v asimilaci dat Author(s) Eben, Kryštof (UIVT-O) SAI, RID, ORCID
Kasanický, Ivan (UIVT-O) RID, ORCID
Mandel, Jan (UIVT-O) RID
Juruš, Pavel (UIVT-O) SAI, RIDSource Title ROBUST 2014 Program a sborník abstraktů. - Praha : KPMS MFF UK, 2014
S. 6-6Action ROBUST 2014 Event date 19.01.2014-24.01.2014 VEvent location Jetřichovice Country CZ - Czech Republic Event type CST Language cze - Czech Country CZ - Czech Republic Keywords asimilace dat ; modelování kovariance Subject RIV BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research R&D Projects GA13-34856S GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) Institutional support UIVT-O - RVO:67985807 Workplace Institute of Computer Science Contact Tereza Šírová,, Tel.: 266 053 800 Year of Publishing 2015
Number of the records: 1