Number of the records: 1
Preictal Dynamics of EEG Complexity in Intracranially Recorded Epileptic Seizure
- 1.0435697 - ÚPT 2015 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Bob, P. - Roman, R. - Světlák, M. - Kukleta, M. - Chládek, Jan - Brázdil, M.
Preictal Dynamics of EEG Complexity in Intracranially Recorded Epileptic Seizure.
Medicine. Roč. 93, č. 23 (2014), el151:1-4. ISSN 0025-7974. E-ISSN 1536-5964
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) LO1212
Institutional support: RVO:68081731
Keywords : EEG * epileptic Seizure
Subject RIV: FS - Medical Facilities ; Equipment
Impact factor: 5.723, year: 2014 ; AIS: 1.91, rok: 2014
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Number of the records: 1