Number of the records: 1
Nitrogen metabolism and gas exchange parameters associated with zinc stress in tobacco expressing an ipt gene for cytokinin synthesis
- 1.Pavlíková, D. - Pavlík, Milan - Procházková, Dagmar - Zemanová, V. - Hnilička, F. - Wilhelmová, Naděžda
Nitrogen metabolism and gas exchange parameters associated with zinc stress in tobacco expressing an ipt gene for cytokinin synthesis.
Journal of Plant Physiology. Roč. 171, č. 7 (2014), s. 559-564. ISSN 0176-1617. E-ISSN 1618-1328
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP501/11/1239
Impact factor: 2.557, year: 2014 ; AIS: 0.72, rok: 2014
Number of the records: 1