Number of the records: 1
Separation of planar rotamers through intramolecular hydrogen bonding in polysubstituted 5-nitrosopyrimidines
- 1.0435160 - ÚOCHB 2015 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
Čechová, Lucie - Procházková, Eliška - Císařová, I. - Dračínský, Martin - Janeba, Zlatko
Separation of planar rotamers through intramolecular hydrogen bonding in polysubstituted 5-nitrosopyrimidines.
Chemical Communications. Roč. 50, č. 94 (2014), s. 14892-14895. ISSN 1359-7345. E-ISSN 1364-548X
R&D Projects: GA MV VG20102015046; GA ČR GA13-24880S
Institutional support: RVO:61388963
Keywords : hydrogen bonds * 5-nitrosopyrimidines * NMR spectroscopy
Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry
Impact factor: 6.834, year: 2014
Result website:
While purifying new polysubstituted 5-nitrosopyrimidines, the unique separation of pairs of rotamers as chemical species, stabilized by a single intramolecular hydrogen bond and differing only in nitroso group orientation, was achieved. This interesting stereochemical phenomenon is compared to the well-known atropisomerism.
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Number of the records: 1