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Extreme electrochemical doping of a graphene-polyelectrolyte heterostructure

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0434833
    Document TypeJ - Journal Article
    R&D Document TypeJournal Article
    Subsidiary JČlánek ve WOS
    TitleExtreme electrochemical doping of a graphene-polyelectrolyte heterostructure
    Author(s) Komínková, Zuzana (UFCH-W) RID
    Kalbáč, Martin (UFCH-W) RID, ORCID
    Source TitleRSC Advances. - : Royal Society of Chemistry - ISSN 2046-2069
    Roč. 4, č. 22 (2014), s. 11311-11316
    Number of pages6 s.
    Languageeng - English
    CountryGB - United Kingdom
    Keywordselectrochemistry ; graphene ; polyelectrolytes
    Subject RIVCG - Electrochemistry
    R&D ProjectsGAP208/12/1062 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF)
    TA03010037 GA TA ČR - Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR)
    Institutional supportUFCH-W - RVO:61388955
    UT WOS000332469500039
    EID SCOPUS84894413278
    AnnotationA doped state of heterostructure, based on chemical vapour deposition grown graphene and polyelectrolytes (polyallylamine hydrochloride and polyacrylic acid), has been studied. The doping was realized electrochemically by application of an electrode potential in LiClO4-acetonitrile electrolyte solution. Our new setup allowed us to achieve extreme doping levels for both positive and negative electrode potentials. The extreme doping of graphene was demonstrated by a large shift of the G mode frequency in the Raman spectrum. In addition a significant enhancement of the G mode at large positive and also negative electrode potentials has been experimentally observed. The G mode intensity enhancement was attributed to cancelling of a part of the quantum Raman pathways thus reducing the destructive quantum interference effect. Since this effect only occurs if the Fermi level achieves half of the laser excitation energy, experimental observation of this phenomenon also confirms the extreme doping levels of graphene.
    WorkplaceJ. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry
    ContactMichaela Knapová,, Tel.: 266 053 196
    Year of Publishing2015
Number of the records: 1  

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