Number of the records: 1
Electric and magnetic Weyl tensors in higher dimensions
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SYSNO 0434251 Title Electric and magnetic Weyl tensors in higher dimensions Author(s) Hervik, S. (NO)
Ortaggio, Marcello (MU-W) RID, SAI, ORCID
Wylleman, L. (BE)Source Title Relativity and Gravitation, 100 Years after Einstein in Prague, Part II. S. 287-290. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2014 / Bičák Jiří ; Ledvinka Tomáš Conference Relativity and Gravitation, 100 Years after Einstein in Prague, Prague, 25.06.2012-29.06.2012 Document Type Konferenční příspěvek (zahraniční konf.) Grant GAP203/10/0749 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) Institutional support MU-W - RVO:67985840 Language eng Country CH Keywords classical and quantum gravitation * relativity theory * cosmology Cooperating institutions University of Stavanger (Norway)
Ghent University (Belgium)URL Permanent Link File Download Size Commentary Version Access Ortaggio2.pdf 1 350 KB Publisher’s postprint require
Number of the records: 1