Number of the records: 1
Electric and magnetic Weyl tensors in higher dimensions
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SYSNO ASEP 0434251 Document Type C - Proceedings Paper (int. conf.) R&D Document Type Conference Paper Title Electric and magnetic Weyl tensors in higher dimensions Author(s) Hervik, S. (NO)
Ortaggio, Marcello (MU-W) RID, SAI, ORCID
Wylleman, L. (BE)Source Title Relativity and Gravitation, 100 Years after Einstein in Prague, Part II. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2014 / Bičák Jiří ; Ledvinka Tomáš - ISSN 0930-8989 - ISBN 978-3-319-06760-5 Pages s. 287-290 Number of pages 4 s. Publication form Print - P Action Relativity and Gravitation, 100 Years after Einstein in Prague Event date 25.06.2012-29.06.2012 VEvent location Prague Country CZ - Czech Republic Event type WRD Language eng - English Country CH - Switzerland Keywords classical and quantum gravitation ; relativity theory ; cosmology Subject RIV BA - General Mathematics R&D Projects GAP203/10/0749 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) Institutional support MU-W - RVO:67985840 DOI Annotation Recent results on purely electric (PE) or magnetic (PM) spacetimes in n dimensions are summarized. These include: Weyl types; diagonalizability; conditions under which direct (or warped) products are PE/PM. Workplace Mathematical Institute Contact Jarmila Štruncová,,, Tel.: 222 090 757 Year of Publishing 2015
Number of the records: 1