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Paths to complexity. Centralisation and urbanisation in Iron Age Europe

  1. 1.
    0434219 - ARÚ 2017 RIV GB eng M - Monography Chapter
    Danielisová, Alžběta
    Oppida, production and social status. Complexity of the Late La Tène period in Central Europe.
    Paths to complexity. Centralisation and urbanisation in Iron Age Europe. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2014 - (Fernández-Götz, M.; Wendling, H.; Winger, K.), s. 76-83. ISBN 978-1-78297-723-0
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP405/12/0926
    Institutional support: RVO:67985912
    Keywords : oppida * production * settlement patterns * complexity * economy
    Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

    The paper deals with the late Iron Age oppida and their position within the contemporary settlement hierarchy. It aims to examine the socio-economic structure of the late La Tène oppida in central Europe: their social and economic potential in terms of the food production and social structure in relation to the production mechanisms. The economy of the oppida could be explained partially as a response to environmental conditions and climate; economic development then can be seen as an adaptive system to the balance of the ecological factor. However, neither the economy nor society is determined solely by the limits of the environment; social and political factors also played an indispensable role. Therefore, an analysis of the subsistence strategies during the late La Tène period is as much a social study as it is an economic one. Furthermore, it could eventually help to understand the development of the complex societies at the end of the Iron Age.
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