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Ultra-low-energy STEM in SEM
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SYSNO ASEP 0434106 Document Type C - Proceedings Paper (int. conf.) R&D Document Type Conference Paper Title Ultra-low-energy STEM in SEM Author(s) Frank, Luděk (UPT-D) RID, SAI, ORCID
Nebesářová, J. (CZ)
Müllerová, Ilona (UPT-D) RID, SAI, ORCIDNumber of authors 3 Source Title 18th International Microscopy Congres. Proceedings. - Praha : Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, 2014 - ISBN 978-80-260-6720-7 Number of pages 2 s. Publication form Online - E Action International Microscopy Congres /18./ Event date 07.09.2014-12.09.2014 VEvent location Praha Country CZ - Czech Republic Event type WRD Language eng - English Country CZ - Czech Republic Keywords tissue section ; biological STEM ; low energy STEM ; low energy electrons Subject RIV JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering R&D Projects TE01020118 GA TA ČR - Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR) Institutional support UPT-D - RVO:68081731 Annotation Examination of thin samples in TEM or STEM has been performed at hundreds of keV. This energy range offered high resolution but low contrasts which meant that tissue sections had to be contrasted with heavy metal salts. Recent TEM with aberration correctors preserve an acceptable resolution down to 20 keV and provide enhanced contrasts. The LVTEM device is operated at 5 keV on samples thinner than 20 nm. STEM attachments to SEMs have become widespread [3] profiting from an image contrast substantially increasing even for light elements at tens or units of keV. The methods for the preparation of ultrathin sections of various substances are capable of producing layers at and even below 10 nm which enables one to further decrease the energy of the electrons provided the image resolution is maintained. When using the STEM technique virtually all transmitted electrons can be utilised for imaging, while in TEM we are restricted to using electrons capable of forming the final image at acceptable quality. This forces us to narrow the ranges of the angular and energy spreads of electrons that enter the image-forming lenses. Consequently, the STEM technique promises higher contrasts at comparable resolutions. Unlimited reduction of the energy of the illuminating electrons is possible by employing the cathode lens principle. This consists of biasing the sample together with its holder (made flat on both sides) to a high negative potential that retards the incident electrons before they land on the sample surface and accelerates backscattered and transmitted electrons to their respective detectors above and below the sample. Calculations have shown a final spot size only moderately extended even at units of eV so that quality-consistent micrographs can be recorded over the full energy scale. Workplace Institute of Scientific Instruments Contact Martina Šillerová, sillerova@ISIBrno.Cz, Tel.: 541 514 178 Year of Publishing 2015
Number of the records: 1