Number of the records: 1
A Portable Setup for Fast Material Appearance Acquisition
- 1.0430591 - ÚTIA 2015 CZ eng V - Research Report
Filip, Jiří - Vávra, Radomír - Krupička, Mikuláš
A Portable Setup for Fast Material Appearance Acquisition.
Praha: ÚTIA AV ČR, 2014. 7 s. Research Report, 2342.
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA14-02652S; GA ČR GAP103/11/0335
Grant - others:EC FP7, European Reintegration Grant(BE) 239294
Institutional support: RVO:67985556
Keywords : measurement setup * BTF * ABRDF * visual psychophysics * material appearance
Subject RIV: BD - Theory of Information
Result website:
A photo-realistic representation of material appearance can be achieved by means of bidirectional texture function (BTF) capturing a material's appearance for varying illumination, viewing directions, and spatial pixel coordinates. BTF captures many non-local effects in material structure such as inter-reflections, occlusions, shadowing, or scattering. The acquisition of BTF data is usually time and resource-intensive due to the high dimensionality of BTF data. This results in expensive, complex measurement setups and/or excessively long measurement times. We propose an approximate BTF acquisition setup based on a simple, affordable mechanical gantry containing a consumer camera and two LED lights. It captures a very limited subset of material surface images by shooting several video sequences. A psychophysical study comparing captured and reconstructed data with the reference BTFs of seven tested materials revealed that results of our method show a promising visual quality.
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Number of the records: 1