Number of the records: 1
Mercury levels in a polluted river ecosystem in east bohemia: from long-term monitoring of total content to speciation analysis
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SYSNO ASEP 0393318 Document Type A - Abstract R&D Document Type The record was not marked in the RIV R&D Document Type Není vybrán druh dokumentu Title Mercury levels in a polluted river ecosystem in east bohemia: from long-term monitoring of total content to speciation analysis Author(s) Soukup, M. (CZ)
Petry-Podgórska, Inga (UIACH-O)
Lusk, Stanislav (UBO-W) RID
Vetešník, Lukáš (UBO-W) RID, SAI, ORCID
Zíka, J. (CZ)
Korunová, Vlasta (UIACH-O)
Kratzer, Jan (UIACH-O) RID, ORCIDNumber of authors 7 Source Title CSI XXXVIII- Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale. Programme and Book of Abstracts. -, 2013 - ISBN N
S. 176-177Number of pages 2 s. Publication form Print - P Action Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale /38./ Event date 17.06.2013-20.06.2013 VEvent location Tromso Country NO - Norway Event type WRD Language eng - English Keywords mercury ; speciation analysis ; river ecosystem Subject RIV CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation R&D Projects GPP206/11/P002 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) Institutional support UIACH-O - RVO:68081715 ; BFU-R - RVO:68081707 Annotation Mercury content in fish samples in the vicinity of the town Králíky was monitored during last 25 years. The nearby factory producing fluorescent lamps was found as a significant source of contamination. The ratio of inorganic Hg and methyl mercury in fish tissue was not affected by the factory. Workplace Institute of Analytical Chemistry Contact Iveta Drobníková,, Tel.: 532 290 234 Year of Publishing 2014
Number of the records: 1