Number of the records: 1
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SYSNO ASEP 0389123 Document Type M - Monograph Chapter R&D Document Type Monograph Chapter Title Miniaturization and microfluidics Author(s) Foret, František (UIACH-O) RID, ORCID
Smejkal, Petr (UIACH-O)
Macka, M. (AU)Number of authors 3 Source Title LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY: FUNDAMENTALS AND INSTRUMENTATION. - Waltham, MA 02451 : Elsevier, 2013 / Fanali Salvatore ; Haddad Paul R. ; Poole Colin F. ; Schoenmakers Peter ; Lloyd David - ISBN 978-0-12-415807-8 Pages s. 453-467 Number of pages 15 s. Number of pages 504 Publication form Print - P Language eng - English Country US - United States Keywords miniaturization ; microfluidics ; HPLC systems ; electrophoretic systems Subject RIV CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation R&D Projects GAP301/11/2055 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) Institutional support UIACH-O - RVO:68081715 UT WOS 000323422900020 DOI Annotation While miniaturization is a prerequisite of achieving portability in LC systems, microfluidics represents a qualitative step toward chip-based LC systems. This short chapter provides an excursion into the microfluidics for separations with a brief overview of some of the commercial systems. It is worth stressing that, while the development and introduction of new microfluidic instrumentation is just at its beginning, the miniaturized technology is being used quite often in commercial systems without stressing it in the marketing of the final products. Workplace Institute of Analytical Chemistry Contact Iveta Drobníková,, Tel.: 532 290 234 Year of Publishing 2013
Number of the records: 1