Number of the records: 1
Surface plasmon resonance biosensor based on engineered proteins for direct detection of interferon-gamma in diluted blood plasma
- 1.0387101 - ÚFE 2013 RIV CH eng J - Journal Article
Šípová, Hana - Ševců, Veronika - Kuchař, Milan - Ahmad, Jawid Nazir - Mikulecký, Pavel - Osičková, Adriana - Malý, Petr - Homola, Jiří
Surface plasmon resonance biosensor based on engineered proteins for direct detection of interferon-gamma in diluted blood plasma.
Sensors and Actuators B - Chemical. Roč. 174, č. 11 (2012), s. 306-311. ISSN 0925-4005. E-ISSN 0925-4005
R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KAN200670701
Institutional support: RVO:67985882 ; RVO:61388971 ; RVO:86652036
Keywords : Interferon gamma * Surface plasmon resonance * Biosensor
Subject RIV: JB - Sensors, Measurment, Regulation
Impact factor: 3.535, year: 2012 ; AIS: 0.763, rok: 2012
Permanent Link: Download Size Commentary Version Access Sipova_SensorsActuatorsBChem_174_306_12.pdf 8 803.9 KB Publisher’s postprint require UFE 0387101.pdf 2 786.4 KB Publisher’s postprint require
Number of the records: 1