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Lev Gomolickij. Sočinenija russkogo perioda. T. 3

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0386602
    Document TypeB - Monograph
    R&D Document TypeMonograph
    TitleLev Gomolickij. Sočinenija russkogo perioda. T. 3
    TitleLev Gomolicky. The Works of the Russian Period. Vol. 3
    Author(s) Běloševská, Ljubov (SLU-S ed.)
    Mitzner, P. (ed. PL)
    Fleishman, L. (ed. US)
    Issue dataMoskva: Volodej, 2011
    Number of pages698 s.
    Number of copy500
    Publication formPrint - P
    Languagerus - Russian
    CountryRU - Russian Federation
    KeywordsLev Gomolitskij (1903-1988) ; literary history ; émigrés ; Russia
    Subject RIVAJ - Letters, Mass-media, Audiovision
    CEZAV0Z90920516 - SLU-S (2005-2011)
    AnnotationIzdanije posvjaščeno russkomu tvorčestvu russko-pol'skogo pisatel'ja, literaturoveda i literaturnogo kritika L'va Gomolickogo (1903-1988), kotoroje sozdavalos v 20.-30. gody XX v. na Volyni i v Varšave. Izdanije opirajetsja na archivnyje materialy, obnaružennyje v Čechii, Pol'še, SŠA i Izrajle. Bol'šinstvo tekstov publikujetsja vpervyje. T. 3 soderžit prozaičeskije proizvedenija i literaturno-kritičeskije stat'ji.
    Description in EnglishThe publication is devoted to the Russian works of the Russian-Polish writer, literary scholar and critic Lev Gomolitskij (1903-1988), created in 1920s.-1930s. in Volyn and Warsaw. The edition is based on the archival materials found in the Czech Republic, Poland, USA and Israel. Most of the texts have been published for the first time. Vol. 3 contains prose and literary - critical studies.
    WorkplaceInstitute of Slavonic Studies
    ContactDana Pilátová,, Tel.: 224 800 262
    Year of Publishing2013
Number of the records: 1  

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