Number of the records: 1  

Protein analysis based on microfabricated sensors with amalgam working electrodes

  1. 1.
    Jusková, Petra - Černocká, Hana - Ostatná, Veronika - Paleček, Emil - Foret, František
    Protein analysis based on microfabricated sensors with amalgam working electrodes.
    ITP 2012 - 19th International Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separation Techniques. Baltimore, 2012. P-502.
    [ITP 2012. International Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separation Techniques /19./. 30.09.2012-03.10.2012, Baltimore]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP301/11/2055; GA ČR(CZ) GBP206/12/G014
Number of the records: 1  

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