Number of the records: 1
Control Techniques of Grid Connected PWM Rectifiers under Unbalanced Input Voltage Conditions
- 1.0380588 - ÚT 2013 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Bejvl, Martin - Šimek, Petr - Škramlík, Jiří - Valouch, Viktor
Control Techniques of Grid Connected PWM Rectifiers under Unbalanced Input Voltage Conditions.
ELEN 2012. Prague: Czech Technical University, 2012, s. 1-14. ISBN 978-80-01-05096-5.
[ELEN 2012. Prague (CZ), 11.09.2012-12.09.2012]
R&D Projects: GA MPO(CZ) FR-TI1/330
Institutional support: RVO:61388998
Keywords : phase locked loop (PLL) * DSC (Delayed Signal Cancellation) * current controller
Subject RIV: JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering
Current-controlled voltage source converters are widely used in grid-connected applications,for example at ac drives with indirect frequency converters.The structure and parameters of the PLL are developed and proposed in order to cope with the grid containing both the positive and the negative sequence component, and minimize the wrong frequency transients during phase angle steps and also in the start-up stage. The DSC technique was realised. There is also necessary to compensate the negative sequence component in the grid voltage. The negative sequence component of the grid voltage causes ripple of the dc voltage in the intermediate circuit. Several sophisticated topologies of converter current controller were developed, simulated and tested for this purpose. Results of simulation and experimental tests are provided to evaluate different current control schemes and phase locked loop techniques.
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Number of the records: 1