Number of the records: 1
Die Benediktiner und Europasmitte. Christentum-Kultur-Gesellschaft
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SYSNO ASEP 0371742 Document Type U - Organizing Conference, Workshop, Exhibition R&D Document Type W - Uspořádání workshopu R&D Document Type Není vybrán druh dokumentu Title Die Benediktiner und Europasmitte. Christentum-Kultur-Gesellschaft Title The Benedictins and Europe´s Centre. Christianity-Culture-Society Author(s) Sommer, Petr (FLU-F) RID, ORCID Event type W - Workshop Event date 20.06.2011-22.06.2011 VEvent location Praha Country CZ - Czech Republic Event type WRD Total number of participants 35 Number of foreign participants 15 Language ger - German Keywords monasticism ; benedictins ; monastic culture Subject RIV AB - History R&D Projects DF11P01OVV007 GA MK - Ministry of Culture (MK) Annotation Die internationale Koordinationssitzung, die zur Gelegenheit des Beginns des internationalen Projekt organisiert wurde. Description in English International coordination sitting convocated on the occasion of the start of international project. Workplace Institute of Philosophy Contact Chlumská Simona, ; Tichá Zuzana, Tel: 221 183 360 Year of Publishing 2012
Number of the records: 1