Number of the records: 1
Study of aerosols generated by 213 nm laser ablation of cobalt-cemented hard metals
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SYSNO ASEP 0312508 Document Type J - Journal Article R&D Document Type Journal Article Subsidiary J Článek ve WOS Title Study of aerosols generated by 213 nm laser ablation of cobalt-cemented hard metals Title Studium aerosolů generovaných ablací těžkých kovů stmelených kobaltem 213 nm laserem Author(s) Holá, M. (CZ)
Konečná, V. (CZ)
Mikuška, Pavel (UIACH-O) RID, ORCID
Kaiser, J. (CZ)
Páleníková, K. (CZ)
Průša, S. (CZ)
Hanzlíková, Renáta (UPT-D)
Kanický, V. (CZ)Source Title Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. - : Royal Society of Chemistry - ISSN 0267-9477
Roč. 23, č. 10 (2008), s. 1341-1349Number of pages 9 s. Language eng - English Country GB - United Kingdom Keywords laser ablation ; aerosol particles Subject RIV CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation CEZ AV0Z40310501 - UIACH-O (2005-2011) AV0Z20650511 - UPT-D (2005-2011) UT WOS 000259454200003 DOI Annotation The laser ablation process of cobalt-cemented hard metals chosen as an example of sample with a complicated matrix was studied using a 213 nm Nd:YAG laser. Particle formation and size distributions of ablated particles were measured using an optical aerosol spectrometer. The structure of laser generated particles was studied by scanning electron microscopy. The results proved the relationship between particle formation and sample composition. Spherical particles in the diameter range of 0.25–2 µm and µm-sized agglomerates composed of primary nano-particles were observed. Workplace Institute of Analytical Chemistry Contact Iveta Drobníková,, Tel.: 532 290 234 Year of Publishing 2009
Number of the records: 1