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Towards Efficient Modeling of Cavitation Erosion Potential in Pumps

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0311830
    Document TypeC - Proceedings Paper (int. conf.)
    R&D Document TypeConference Paper
    TitleTowards Efficient Modeling of Cavitation Erosion Potential in Pumps
    TitlePříspěvek k efektivnímu modelování erozního potenciálu kavitace v čerpadlech
    Author(s) Zima, Patrik (UT-L) RID, ORCID
    Sedlář, M. (CZ)
    Maršík, František (UT-L) RID, ORCID
    Source TitleXXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Abstracts book. - Adelaide : University of Adelaide, 2008 / Denier J. ; Finn M. ; Mattner T. - ISBN 978-0-9805142-0-9
    Pagess. 110-110
    Number of pages1 s.
    Publication formCD ROM - CD ROM
    ActionInternational Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics /22./
    Event date25.08.2008-29.08.2008
    VEvent locationAdelaide
    CountryAU - Australia
    Event typeWRD
    Languageeng - English
    CountryAU - Australia
    Keywordspump ; erosion ; cavitation
    Subject RIVBK - Fluid Dynamics
    R&D ProjectsGA101/07/1612 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF)
    CEZAV0Z20760514 - UT-L (2005-2011)
    AnnotationThe model for efficient assessment of collapse aggressiveness of cavitation bubbles in water pumps is presented. Two models are examined, one based on forces exerted by the bubble on its surroundings and the other based on energies dissipated between two successive bubble rebounds. The model is applied in the 3D Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes solver for the pump flow used in SIGMA RDI. The results are illustrated on the example of a mixed-flow pump impeller by comparison with the picture of the real erosion pattern and show encouraging agreement even for empirical nuclei content in the inlet flow.
    WorkplaceInstitute of Thermomechanics
    ContactMarie Kajprová,, Tel.: 266 053 154 ; Jana Lahovská,, Tel.: 266 053 823
    Year of Publishing2009
Number of the records: 1  

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